Cashmere clothes

Author: Feb 22, 2012 Category: Basic information | no comments

Thousands of years ago, the inhabitants of Himalayas got a great idea. They uncovered the outstanding properties of cashmere wool and used it to start manufacturing clothes. The tender cashmere fibres can be processed only by hand and fortunately this tradition has persisted until today.

What makes cashmere clothes so special? First of all, thanks to the cashmere wool’s warmth and tenderness these clothes are much more superior to clothes made of generic textiles. Cashmere sweaters are very comfortable.

Cashmere clothes are approximately six times warmer than clothes made of sheep wool. This is all thanks to the fur of cashmere goats that is adjusted to the hostile Himalayan conditions, where the temperature dips well below zero. Thanks to this high quality fur, they do not feel any cold.

What kind of cashmere clothes can you get a hold of?

The most popular are the cashmere sweaters. During the selection process, the most important factor to look at, is the number of plies of cashmere yarn. Two-ply sweaters are the most prevalent, and you can wear them throughout the whole year. During the coldest periods the most valuable ones are the four-ply sweaters. However, there are also sweaters that contain even twelve plies, which also results in a much higher price. Moreover, there is also a special “duvet” cashmere. It is used to make two-ply sweaters, but they are thinner and softer than the classic ones.

Another popular cashmere product that has been emerging these past few years is pashmina. They are made of 100% cashmere, but often they are made from a combination of cashmere and silk in a 70:30 ratio. Combining these two textiles results in a product, that contains the most incredible properties – softness, warmth, comfort, and gloss. The prices of pashminas are relatively high, several times higher than scarves made of other textiles.

Aside from sweaters and pashminas, cashmere is used to make all sorts of clothes. You can buy for example also scarves, shawls, gloves, hats, pyjamas, robes, and undershirts in our store.

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